The great Zig Ziglar once said, “Your attitude, not aptitude, will determine your altitude”. As a gregarious and genuinely happy person, Zig Ziglar knew that putting one’s best mind forward was the first step to becoming a successful person both in business and personal life.
Now, what do attitude and Zig Ziglar have to do with finding or being the best candidate? People naturally gravitate towards someone who is truly happy with their work, courteous, and inviting towards others. Faking a good personality is not the easiest thing to do, so when hiring, looking at a candidate’s demeanor and personality is going to show you more of their potential than just looking at their achievements.
For those striving to adjust your attitude, follow these few steps laid out by Zig Ziglar in his book “Zig on selling”.
- Accept the fact that you can control your attitude
- Make the commitment to do whatever is necessary to control your attitude
- Evaluate every book, movie, TV show, and game before reading, viewing, or playing with the question “ is this going to help my personal, family, or business life, or is there a better use of my time?”
- Learn one new word every day. The average American only learns 25 new words a year, so by learning a new word every day, you would have a huge advantage in life.
- Read something of value to you for 20 minutes every day. Reading is a dying art form that can truly advance your understanding of the world.
- Use your commute time to learn something. 20% of Americans have a commute that is 20-29 minutes. By using that time to learn a new language or listen to a book, it turns your brain on and makes it work harder and become better every day.
- Carefully choose who you associate with professionally and personally. Having people around you who have the right attitude will help you to be the best that you can be.